The "Level Up" with Duayne Pearce Podcast
I take on the role of an authoritative voice that fearlessly communicates truths drawn directly from my lived experiences. With a genuine sense of ownership, my insights are free from any hidden agendas – they truly belong to the audience. My stories and journey add remarkable value, the key now lies in harnessing its power effectively to help others.
My purpose is to create a new residential building industry. My mission is to inspire unshakable self-confidence in my colleagues in the industry, empowering them to orchestrate prosperous, enduring, and lucrative businesses that bring exceptional projects to fruition for our clients.
My goal is to foster a deeper comprehension among clients about the identity and functions of builders, redefining their perceptions.
The "Level Up" with Duayne Pearce Podcast
How Understanding Colours Can Improve Your Business, Relationships and Marriage?
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#114 Ever wondered how the colours you wear or surround yourself with could change your life? In our latest episode, we invite you to uncover the hidden power of colour theory with our expert guest, Deborah Husbands. She shares her captivating insights into how specific hues like turquoise, pink, and blue influence our consciousness and communication, impacting everything from mental health to business.
Check out Deb's website here...
Live Life Build
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We're on a mission to elevate the professionalism of the residential construction industry, and help everyone enjoy building and renovating homes.
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Colour can help expand your mind by taking your neurological pathways into completely new places.
Speaker 2:If you feel connected to a colour and you use that colour in your marketing, for example, that could change who you're attracting to your business.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:G'day guys. Welcome back to another episode of Level Up. This is going to be another cracking episode today. I'm super excited about this. I've actually been looking forward to it. I went and got changed, so you'll notice that I'm actually wearing a different shirt to what I normally wear on my podcast. Look the lady we have with us today. I met at a JT Fox conference earlier in 2024. And we were standing outside and we just bumped into each other, we said g'day, and we asked each other why we were there and what we did. And, yeah, this lady really intrigued me. So a big warm welcome to Deborah. How are you, deborah?
Speaker 1:Very well, thank you. Thank you so much for having me and thank you for wearing the same shirt.
Speaker 2:No, well, I guess to give people a little bit of an insight. I didn't want to introduce you about what you do because, to be honest, I'm not 100% sure on the terminology and things. But can you explain to us a little bit about what you do and then we'll go into why we connected?
Speaker 1:Yeah, sure, so I I don't even know where to begin with that, but cutting a very long story short, I work with color and light and the senses, the brain, the neurological pathways, just in helping to expand consciousness on the planet, to help people find a flow within their life, to actually really be a better person and make a better world, basically, and I work with color and light and scent and sound and a whole number of things that are just a little bit outside of our normal day-to-day thinking yeah, I love it and I think this conversation is going to be awesome.
Speaker 2:I know some of the paths we're going to go down, but to, I guess, give people a bit of an insight, the can you tell me, like when, when you looked at my shirt?
Speaker 2:because I think I asked you. So what do you do? And you asked me what I was wearing this shirt and I said one of my businesses, live life build, is a major sponsor of the trademark guys who make these shirts for mental health, so these are custom shirts that our members get um. And you said well, let me tell you a little bit about you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can repeat it from what I can see here, but, yeah, color has its own vibration and carries with it a lot of information. So, basically, looking at the shirt that you're wearing, the turquoise energy is very much like well, who am I in relation to where I want to be in the world? What's my own unique specialty and how can I express that uniqueness? How can I express from the feeling side of being rather than from the head side of being, and how can I actually create that space for others to do that? So the reds are about being able to.
Speaker 1:I think that you said it was sort of like a pink, so it's like bringing a little focus on how it is that we live in, the world where we put our energy, where we put our focus, and allowing that each individual being has got that access to find their passion and bring their passion forward. And the dark blues are about being able to find the right words to express that. And certainly within that mental health field, I think a lot of people it's not that they're not feeling, it's just that they're so overwhelmed with all the feelings they don't know where to start with those basic levels of communication because things are thrown so far out of context sometimes. So the blue helps us find a peaceful way of communicating within a context about what we're actually trying to say, and so that was that pretty much like it, like paying attention to the details of how you do what you do rather than why you're doing what you're doing yeah.
Speaker 2:So when deborah told me that on the day she had no idea what live, life build was all about, and then when I when I said to her that live life, build like I'm on a mission to create a new building industry and we we help builders run successful, sustainable, profitable building businesses and give them a comfortable place to be vulnerable and all those types of things.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It just ties in with exactly what you just said then. And look, I've always been a little bit I guess I don't know enough about it but I've always thought that colors do mean a lot and they play a big part in like, especially when someone sees a logo for a business like I think the color plays a huge part in how your business gets represented absolutely, I think it's really, and so so too does the house.
Speaker 1:You can have different color schemes within each of the rooms to help evoke certain moods. You know, I guess where I lean towards it in a most juicy way for myself is that you don't know what you don't know. And in my mind years ago I heard you know we only use 10% of our grey matter, basically, and I wanted to learn how to use the extra 90%. So color can help expand your mind by taking your neurological pathways into completely new places, new spaces, and like our body is, uh, beyond just this physical field. Okay, this doesn't actually work. If you don't believe that there is something more and that there is something more to the magnetics and the electrics and the energetics of our bodies, it's going to fall flat.
Speaker 1:For those that just think this is all there is, yeah, but for those that do believe that there's a bit more, our body is like this massive filing cabinet and all of our experiences have been stored in different areas related to color that we're drawn to.
Speaker 1:So if we've had a past experience of, say I'll take an easy one is like anger and red. You know, most people could see red relating to anger, but also red could represent the flush in the face in passion, but it also could be embarrassment. It also could be shame we don't actually know and it also could be. Someone is completely lackluster and and don't have those things in their life and also don't feel very grounded in what they're doing, or feel very grounded in what they're doing, so just even being able to question yourself on that level well, what's my relationship to the red? If you're drawn to it, you can actually feel safe going. I don't have to have it as this frustration anymore. I actually can turn it into that lovely pink that you've got on, which is allowing all those things and softening of that anger and frustration and allowing each person to be feeling, um, you know, involved, seen and belonging, like that's a big difference, but it's all within that one colour array.
Speaker 2:So does it work both ways, Like if you feel connected to a colour and you use that colour in your marketing, for example? That could change who you're attracting to your business? Absolutely.
Speaker 1:And I think it's a really important point to kind of delve into who you want to be in order to attract those customers to you. Because if you're not attracting those customers, then, yes, color can tweak your messaging in some way, but I think it's also important you're in alignment with it. So if you feel like you're in alignment with what it is that you're putting out there um, so your core beliefs are based on your strong value system then there's a really clear message. So I think, knowing a little bit about what each of the colors means, you can tweak then what, uh, marketing branding would work exactly for you to send out that message that you are looking for, or that clientele yeah, I think it's amazing.
Speaker 2:So just before we started recording um, deb was talking about relationships and I anyone that listens to the podcast like I bang on about all the time. I think I think relationships are the most important things we have and whether it's with a client, with your wife, with your kids, with your team members, your contractors, like um, I think they're very powerful things and um like I got.
Speaker 2:I got no reason, what, like no understanding why. But like I literally turned around, saw you, said hello, we started chatting and then I was intrigued for the rest of the day after you told me about the colors and yeah, obviously reached out and wanted to get you to come on the podcast to talk about this sort of stuff.
Speaker 1:So I don't know.
Speaker 2:I find my journey that I'm on just absolutely amazing. It blows my mind to think that I'm going down some of the paths. I'm going down because I feel like so many people are just living day-to-day they're not thinking outside the box. They're just yeah, they. They might reach out to some marketer and the marketer says, hey, go with these colors and off they go and they do that and like we've got to dig deeper into things, we've got to figure all this stuff out.
Speaker 1:I think it's really important because you can get in a rut, you know, and people might relate to the fact that you can find colors that you absolutely love and they'll be your favorite colors. That'll be what you lean on and that actually will reflect a lot of what your personality is. And there are colors that you completely cannot stand. You know, I personally have had quite a bit of shock and trauma in my life and over my extended adulthood, and when I first became attracted to the colors I could not stand orange. It was the one color that just made me feel ill. Well, it happens to be the color that holds all of the shock and the trauma. So it's taken 10 years to find some blissful insight into that. But it's uh. Where to start with relationships? It's like I think it's the only point for being alive, really, isn't it to have a great relationship with you, with something beyond you, with those around you and you know I'm laughing because you've got that turquoise color on and if I can tell you a little story, hopefully people can relate to it. So does everybody remember when they've fallen in love? This is like a very turquoise, coral energy where you're suddenly part of humanity but you feel special and unique and you can hear birds tweeting. You finish each other's sentences, your hands reach over the salt. At the same time there's a little giggle as you top someone's glass up with wine. You know this is connecting us to a field called the light field. And not only that that love spills over to other people. In general, you see love everywhere. You can see love in the trees, in the flowers, in the birds and the bees. You know, and then you know, a few years down the track, it's like in the flowers, in the birds and the bees. You know, and then you know, a few years down the track, it's like who the hell is this person? I can't even understand you and I've told you three times what we're talking about. You know we are so disharmonious that we've fallen out of that field of turquoise and coral energy and we've moved into the patterns that keep us stuck. See, turquoise is curious and growing and wants to know more and wants to find that individual, unique expression, which is pretty much what you've just said.
Speaker 1:You know, relationships are important because you're like curious to know how other people do things, and what can happen is we can atrophy. We're like okay, we've now got the girl or we've got the guy and you know, after a few years there's no more curiosity, there's no birds tweeting. It's sort of like we've we've created these patterns which become very difficult to break, and so the benefit of, uh, being able to explore your color field and know yourself and know how you relate to each of the colors that are specifically related to sort of the body area it's the colors of the rainbow, you know, and relates to many different ancient systems that reflect that back. But I find it's an easy one for guys and girls to grok because there's no judgment in it. You're drawn to a color.
Speaker 1:Now who's looking at the rainbow and saying, hey, yellow, get out of that bloody rainbow, you don't deserve to be there because you wouldn't. You know, the rainbow is beautiful because it's of all of its colors. We have all of those colors in and around our being and I think becoming a whole person is being able to have a relationship with every single one of those resonant colors and the benefits or the positive that you can find in each one of those colors, and then you can then start to have that kind of an interaction with family and spouses and business. But if you are avoiding certain colors and certain areas of your energy field or certain traumas that you can't bear to go and heal, you know that's just going to actually stay like an incomplete circuit within.
Speaker 2:I wasn't expecting it to go down the relationship like that sort of path, but I'm pleased we did, because I think that's going to help a lot of our listeners.
Speaker 2:And, look, even for me so it's look, look, I don't know what the universe is telling me, but it's funny that these conversations come up, because my wife and I've been having a lot of conversation about this lately and, um, I've been really, no, no, well, I've been really, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I'm just becoming more and more aware and I'm like one of the like I have so many sayings I live by now, but, um, like I love Grant Cardone saying like nothing happens to you, it all happens because of you. Like, but I am taking really seriously, trying to hold myself accountable every single day and like, so I'm constantly asking myself am I being the best boss, the best employer, the best husband, the best father? And it's always that it best father. And it's always no, there's always room for improvement. But, like you just touched on, I've been talking about that a lot with my wife that spark sort of goes and, exactly like you just said, when you first meet each other, you can't wait to be with each other. It doesn't matter how busy you are, you always make time. It doesn't matter how busy you are, you always make time.
Speaker 2:It doesn't matter how tired you are, you always get involved Like there's, there's just there's no excuses. And then over time we just you get comfortable, and then you have kids and then you get busy at work and then everything just becomes an excuse.
Speaker 2:And so I'm really conscious at the moment about trying to put more effort in trying to organize date nights and look, I'll put my hand up. They're not happening very often, but I'm it's. I'm constantly getting more and more aware of it and they will get quick, like, closer and closer together. But how does that like? You just said that it's all to do with colors. Yeah, so how do I because I'm this is going to resonate with a lot of blokes, I guarantee you like, yeah, and, and possibly females, I guess but, um, how like?
Speaker 2:and you were saying that you need to be this full field yeah of colors like how do you work on, how do you, how do you do that?
Speaker 1:yeah. Well, there is no red pill, there is no quick, but there is certainly joy in the journey and it does begin with understanding. We are more than just this physical body. We've got an electromagnetic field which is also being interfered with by many other things beyond us the 5Gs, the microwaves, road rage, any of those things. That's a field that we interact with. There's an energetic field beyond that which is about mastery in this lifetime. There all of this is called the light body and when we get really bogged down into humanity and into the chores and into the world and literally just into surviving, we're in close into the body.
Speaker 1:Like I've worked so hard, sometimes I've just collapsed at night. There's no way I want to have a conversation, but if we are looking to the future, if we spend a few moments each day just discussing a color like one of the things I could relate this to is women have a strong connection to the emotional field and probably the spiritual field, and have a bigger picture or a panoramic awareness of what's going on. Men have a little bit more of a I'm focused on getting this activity done and this is the way I'm going to get it done and they don't have the panoramic awareness to pick up on the subtleties that are going on in the field.
Speaker 1:So it leads to an explosion of energy that comes up because we didn't make that connection really quickly, and I think I read somewhere the other day it takes eight minutes to make a difference. But of course you're going to have to find the playing field that you're going to play this game on, and then you're going to have to agree on some of the ground rules, and so with color, it's fairly easy. We can break that up up into well, what do you feel about red? What do you think about red? What do you believe is a spiritual principle about red, and how are we living in this physical world within red? You know, eventually this conversation becomes easier.
Speaker 1:But when you come home from work late at night and you've been go-go all day on the machines and there's a lot of brain power and you walk into a hot emotional mess who hasn't yet decided what it is and needs actually to speak for a long time before we get to the point about what it is that's disturbing us. You know the patients can run thin and then you're either going to go and grab a beer so you can tolerate it, or you're going to actually, you know, want to fix it immediately to stop it happening well, look like, we go out for dinner, we'll go out to the shed because that's something easier.
Speaker 1:So, like, if we can encourage each member of the party to begin to become more responsible. So this is a really quick and easy tip for the listeners, right? And it's to do with suffering, and suffering according to the Buddha and a number of other wise, famous people. And suffering according to the Buddha and a number of other wise, famous people is, you know, wanting what you don't have, having what you don't want, and not knowing the difference. If you can unlock that pattern, you can actually, then, you know, ask yourself I want what I don't have. And this is a blue thing. And it's about taking that in-breath, and we're always going for the in-breath because we want something more. But you can't always have an in-breath, you've got to have an out-breath.
Speaker 2:Well, that's social media, isn't it? We're all scrolling through social media.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Thinking we want what we don't need.
Speaker 1:Exactly. And so if we're able to cultivate the art of detachment and go, okay, well, do I really need that in this moment? And if the answer's no, if we can cultivate the art of detachment, you may well just get what you want. So if I put that into a couple scenario, somebody wants conversation, somebody needs to know, someone needs to have the answers, needs to be understood, needs to be heard, needs to have that interaction. Someone else is like hang on a minute. I've just been doing this all day. My head's not there.
Speaker 1:You know, if we can learn how to find the dance between do you really need the conversation now, or or what is it that we need to converse about? If we can, if we can actually compartmental, let me say, if we can say, if you don't need it right now, could we do that in 15 minutes and be true to your word? Then you can find a way out of it. Yeah, and you can find a way of harmonizing and the person feels heard. Now, if we look at the other one, having what we don't want, you know we're pushing away resistance. I just can't deal with this and you might get red and push away and the energy is all like no, I don't want to have this right now. If we can cultivate the art of going, let me just relax and allow it to be what it is, without attaching any of the stories to it. Right, because what happens is we'll walk in and all of a sudden there's that wall of red, and then we start to remember every time it's'll walk in and all of a sudden there's that wall of red, and then we start to remember every time it's been said before and all of the other things, and we make up what it could be about, but we don't know really. It's just, it seems like a similar pattern. So if we can just cultivate the art of, let me give you a hug and I'll come back to the chat in a minute.
Speaker 1:You know, it could just be that sometimes that red is the physical need for just a hug, no words, just a hug. And the yellow, of course, is the exciting times that we have that are talking between the red and the blue, which is all around digestion. It's all around fears, anxieties, but it's also around fun and laughter. So if you can bring some fun and laughter into some of can bring some fun and laughter into some of those moments now. I'm certainly not suggesting anyone sit there and laugh at the other partner. That's going to go down very well, not yeah, the um.
Speaker 2:I look that, yeah, it's awesome, and, uh, I'll definitely take some of that on board. And look, that's an area I'm trying to pull myself up on, because I'm the one that's like like I don't give them space to talk, like I'm always trying to give an answer but they don't want the answer.
Speaker 1:All the time.
Speaker 2:Like you said, they just want to hug, or they just want you to like. My wife just wants me to listen.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I've had to learn that just shut up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just listen, it's a good little anagram you said before before is like why am I talking?
Speaker 1:Is wait, if you can just remember, with wait, often the partner will just talk it out, talk it out and at the very end get to the point as to what it was.
Speaker 1:And it might be something crazy, like you didn't take the rubbish out yesterday, but it's just pounded on a lot of things and and in my mind I I don't always know what it is, because we're so attached as a female, to the emotions or a sense or a feeling that's not actually manifested into what that means yet. And men are often more logical and need the written plan to understand how to work backwards. And I'm sure this could show up also with buildings, where you've got, you know, incredible clients who come along and they've got one thing very clearly in their mind and they've got sort of like a champagne taste on a beer budget and they want to see all of those incredible things happen. And if you haven't developed the art of clear communication and if you haven't been able to deflect what those expectations are early on, then you know where that can end up yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, that's where most people in our industry end up like they, they don't communicate well and they end up in all tricky conversations because they haven't met a client's expectation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it can often be a very quick reflecting back. Okay, so what I think I'm hearing is you want this, that and the other, and, just off the top of my head, that's going to be this much. And so if you're wanting this, it's going to be this much, but if you are willing to compromise on some things, we could do this with that much. You know. I think that the practice of that, most people want to avoid a conflict right, they want to avoid actually bringing that up or losing the match or not getting the deal, when, in truth, the more honest you can be and the more clear you can be and non-emotional and you know all of the things you know you do well the better the outcome's going to be. So it's kind of like batting away and I think it's like a game batting away the expectations. And I just want to add something in there that often when we fall in love, in the very beginning we might have a big, strong blue area. Someone who likes to talk a lot might connect really well with someone who's got a big orange area, which is the complementary opposite. So in some way, each person completes the person together. But as you grow as individuals, that actually becomes a closed loop of codependency. So what we're looking to do is to develop the art of filling up what you're missing from someone else.
Speaker 1:So even working with fellas on the you know, on the building sites and things, there'll be some that have got a great mindset, the big picture, those that can see all of the architectural things in 3D already and can see where things will run and it's all very structured.
Speaker 1:They can spot patterns really well. But they might not have the feeling that someone in the green area might have if they walk in and go oh, that's just wonky. You know, I saw you mentioned the other day. You walked up and found and you could see immediately there was a door that just didn't feel right, even if it had been on the plans in a certain way. There's some green kind of connected people that are connected to the earth, that can feel those things, whereas others like to be following a plan. So how cool would it be to have some go-getters that just want to follow the instruction and get on the nail guns and get into it, but others that can actually harmonize and benefit. So, like within a business, it's a good thing to see who's got what skills and everyone's got something different to offer.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm really glad you brought that up because it's something else I'm passionate about, like I am. So I believe so strongly now that 99.9% of people on this planet are not living their true life, their true self. They're just going, and whether it's like a lot of it, I think it's the way we're brought up the family's beliefs, religions, all those types of things. But then, even as you get into the workforce and I was really bad at this for a long time I just expected everyone on my team to be like me, but reality is we don't want a full team of me. No, like you just said, we need the, the different colors. We need the people that have the different skills because ultimately, if we all did the same thing, like we're going to get pretty shit outcomes.
Speaker 1:Like you need the different input to make things better the variation and I think uh, it's called conformational bias that, as people put on a set of colors to view life through, or if you're reading any book or you know it's always going your eyes are always going to be attracted to the things that confirm your belief system in order to make you right. It's a very difficult thing to switch that around and make someone else right, but it is what we need to do and I know that you do that to create the cognitive dissonance to go wait a minute, this isn't right. You know, like this, this all looks right. It doesn't, you know? But by entertaining completely the opposite view, sometimes we can completely shift our mindset. By doing the same sort of thing like I look at that in blue and red and if I just suddenly go okay, well, if I'm flicking that over, I'm going to go.
Speaker 2:Okay, I want to push away the blue and I want to bring towards me the red, you know, just to find out what that experience is yeah, yeah, um, I think this is going to resonate a lot with you, deb, but I I truly believe now, like I say on my podcast all the time, like people probably think this is going to resonate a lot with you, deb, but I truly believe now, like I say on my podcast all the time, like people probably think I'm going woo-woo Bring it on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, bring it on and look again growing up, half the shit I'm doing now, if it had got mentioned or spoken about like members of my family, like I would have been called the pussy, like you were poor or like it's man up like um. But I, I truly believe now that the more that I am connecting with my natural instincts yeah, the the wealthier I'm becoming and not not just in in monetary terms like my relationships are improving, my um, my lifestyle is improving, my relationship with my wife's improving with my kids, with my team, um, I honestly think that we've all we all need to slow down, yeah, and I think if we all slow down, we'll all go forward in a lot better direction yeah um I think they say that in the sas, which is also a very royal thing, by the way.
Speaker 1:um, you know, slow is the new, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Yeah, the slower that you can actually get to become a master of the craft, then the faster life can bring towards you what you want.
Speaker 2:Just switching off all the rubbish, limiting the time on mobile devices, getting out in nature, walking bare feet. I'm on a bit of a thing at the moment. I was actually talking to Shay about it this morning where, grounded the reason I'm moving around a lot, I've really done my back really bad at the moment I've got bloody, five bulging discs, damaged nerves, all sorts of things. So yeah, trying to get comfortable is annoying, but like I've been getting outside, I've been listening to the Corrective Culture guys from the Sunshine Coast. I've signed up to their posture correction program. Like I'm walking around bare feet, like I'm letting my feet do the work, which is like changing my posture, but just the bare feet on the ground.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, I'm starting to. I'm not doing it as well as I I'd like, but I'm really trying to. Like come in the in the evening when my body tells me I'm tired. Yeah, I'm trying to go to sleep because I've always been an early riser, but like coming into spring and summer now, as soon as some birds start making noise like 3 34 in the morning, like I'm up and I can't sleep. So but and then overnight my like it's come some nights seven o'clock like I am knackered and I could quite literally just shut my eyes and go to sleep. So I'm really trying to listen to my body more, yeah, and I'm honestly I'm finding the more that I do that and the more that I'm connecting back to my natural instincts, the better I'm feeling yeah, and I guess, like in our era or I'm certainly probably further on in the era of things I'm just so surprised to get to sort of mid-50s and find out.
Speaker 1:I just feel like I've just grown up.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like I feel like I was running behind life, doing everything that everybody else thought I should do and the shoulds and the woulds and the external values, and then all of a sudden it takes either a choice or a tragedy to kind of awaken you into a new way of being. People will either lose their relationships, lose a limb, lose a job, lose a house. You know there's some serious stuff that can go on if we don't stop and actually really reassess how do we want to live? Because certainly the way I was living in my 20s I couldn't have sustained for too long. And then going through an era of single mum and then going through an era of watching my son completely struggle with mental health issues and also do his back and not be able to do manual labor again, I got to a point where I just thought I wanted everyone else to get better, but the truth was I needed to.
Speaker 1:I really believe you have to invest in you to find the best in you, and as soon as you do that, it's tough to begin with, it's tough to comb through all of the you know scraggly hair and the dreadlocks that we've created in our life. It's really tough, but when you do it, you know you're setting yourself up for a longer, healthier, happier future, doing what it is that you're called to do and what you're meant to be doing whilst you're here, not what you think you should be doing, which carries all of that internal resistance somewhere.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And all power to the people that are doing the work for sure.
Speaker 2:Oh look, I'm a massive fan. The more time, money, energy you invest in yourself, your whole life just explodes.
Speaker 2:I'm addicted to it now, as I think from our conversation it sounds like you are as well. I love that you mentioned before, because for so long the only thing that's changed is me. I was going to conferences and reaching out and getting mentoring for a long, long time in all sorts of things like real estate, investing or property or business whatever. But I would go to those events and expect to walk out of there with like just all the answers and my life's going to change. And then I got. I went through that period where you get the shits and you don't go anymore because they're just trying to sell me shit like exactly, but it was all me like I could. And now I go to those events and I think to myself like look at these people here that aren't taking notes taking advantage of it, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they think they're going to turn up here, they're going to get a magic pill and everything's going to change, Like that JT Fox thing. I went to where I met you. I filled two books with notes in two days, yeah, likewise. And I like that you were saying that you spent that money. You went and spent that time with JT and he didn't really connect with what you do, but he obviously went away and thought about it and come back to you and gave you some advice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Well, I actually think that's because I kept turning up. So I think that's like a key thing is that he and look, we've all had to. There's some money I wish I hadn't spent on learning the lessons that I've learned, but you're dead right. It's like if you can change you to actually go, hey, maybe I don't know all the things I think I know, and what if there is something more to learn? So if you find the right person, suddenly that addiction does kick in.
Speaker 1:But I also think for JT, he gives away so much information it's overwhelming. I think it's like a fire hose, you know, but just keeping on turning up, I think he couldn't just blow me off anymore because he must have come to the point going this, this woman is really serious about her business because, gosh, I've done enough to reject, abandon, ignore, ignore, flick off. And she's still here. So, yeah, I think it's been great now to find a really good coach that you do love. But I also believe that some people are really caught in the busy trap, the busyness trap, and I really think a lot of people are terrified that if they begin, they're going to unravel.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And I certainly know with myself and trauma. I managed my trauma very well for 30 years. I learned to walk around the things that I should have been changing, but because it was inherited via the family, I sort of didn't pay much attention to it until I'm looking at my mum in her hospital bed and I'm looking at me in 10 years if I didn't do something different. And so I think you need to either make the choice or be triggered into it, but know a hundred percent for sure there's going to come a moment in your life where you think there's got to be more to life than this. I'm actually not happy, I'm not in my flow, I'm not enjoying it, and if you don't do the work when you have the option to do the work, it's going to be done for you.
Speaker 2:You know like universe is going to make that happen yeah, I like the fact before you, um, you said like you got into your mid-50s and you grew up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Like.
Speaker 2:I've been thinking about that a fair bit lately and I like I remember growing up and thinking like, when you got to a certain age, you were a grown-up, yes, and then I've, like, as I've progressed and then, like, kept and then definitely got on this personal development journey.
Speaker 2:I look at family members and people around me and even like people I associated with when I was younger, and even people that are 10, 20 years older than me, and I'm like you haven't grown up, but you, you're just following the masses, you're a sheep, you're just, you're just watching media, you're just doing as you're told. You're just, you're just getting a job, you're just getting by, you're just doing everything that the world's telling you to do oh, my gosh, it's. And buying, isn't it? And I'd look, I honestly look at them and I go and I'd like I don't tell them, I keep to myself, but they're all going to hear it now. But I, uh, I just, I just think to myself that you haven't grown up, like you are so immature, yeah, like you can't see outside the box, and it actually upsets me because I think to myself like man, like you don't realize the potential you have.
Speaker 1:It's terrifying, yeah, like stop doing, stop following the sheep, stop following the masses and just break out and be yourself, run your own race and and, to be fair, I think many people don't know how to do that because they're so, so afraid of becoming the black sheep or not belonging, and yet they don't know the value, the true value, of belonging to yourself, of being a real spiritual being, having a human experience and interacting with this incredible planet, this incredible, beautiful, abundant experience of life that we get to entertain all of our senses with if we're present. You know, you mentioned like being on holiday before, but if we get to feel the wind and taste the lettuce or grow a flower, you know all of those things are really what we're here for.
Speaker 2:Because you're here, you live, you die you know, I feel like a lot of people really want. They want what we're talking about and I feel that they, they think it's it's too much work and it's too hard. But I can definitely put my hand up now and say, like, if you, if you put the effort into yourself, you, you are going to go through a period where it is like you have to put in the effort, but you get to this point, like you put in this effort, and you come up and up and up and up and then, before you know it, everything around you is still growing and improving and you're staying the same amount of energy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you feel like all this stuff is just happening and you're like man, something's got to happen soon, something's got to go wrong. This has all become too easy, but I think it's because, as you're developing and you're doing all this stuff, your mindset's growing, your attitude's changing, your beliefs are changing. You're becoming this new person and I don't know, I'm addicted to it. I thrive on it.
Speaker 1:Now, it's super exciting. I think you know I'm a constant student of life for always. Like my head is exploding with all of the things that I know, Like it's a joy for me also to share that because I'm like if I knew then what I know now and sometimes I need that slap across the face to my 23-year-old self. But I'm much more gentle because I understand people don't get it until they get it. But what I really strongly feel is you know we have these tower moments.
Speaker 1:If you don't encourage yourself to change and grow, you're going to be brittle and snap and you'll lose something that's really valuable to you, either yourself, your mind, your family, the earlier. If you've got any of those feelings now in any parts of your body, now's the time to begin that journey, to look within, to work out what's yours, what's not, what's not yours. You know a lot of the operational programs that we're running are not actually ours. They're just things that we, like you said religion or society or family that we grew up into and the ability to critically question without that being rejecting. We are losing that in society 100%.
Speaker 2:It's boring if you don't agree.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and, like you said before, I do believe so many people are just afraid of becoming the black sheep that gets disregarded or doesn't get spoken to from the family. Look, I dealt with that for a long time and now I'm at a point where I just don't give a shit, like, why should I hold back my life and my family? Like to me, my wife Camille and my two girls, that's number one. Like, everything I do is about improving our quality of life, our outcomes, all those types of things. If I'm going to piss people off along the way and they don't want to be about improving our quality of life, our outcomes, all those types of things, yeah, if I'm going to piss people off along the way and they don't want to be part of my journey, that's not my problem.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like you, stay where you are, stay in your lane. Yeah, actually, I'm not sure if you've read it. I got given an incredible book lately that I wish I had found earlier in my life, called who Moved the Cheese. Oh, no, I haven't heard that one. It's a very small book and it's actually the first book that I've ever read the entire book, oh wow.
Speaker 2:And it's called who Moved the Cheese and it is just such. It's a very simple message, but it's such a powerful message and I think everyone listening should definitely listen to it. But let's get back into what it is. You do so with your color stuff. What help can you do for people?
Speaker 1:Okay. So, thinking of the field that people are in, I've got a system that actually is full of about 122 different multicolored bottles. Practically not everyone's going to be able to come and actually choose the colors that they're drawn to. And the color that you are most drawn to is the one that your body most needs. It's your inner being, your light body, saying well, you've become depleted in this, because this is who you are, this is where you're always giving and you need to be able to nourish that. So I have this little kit here which works on that light body field, and they're all the different colors that you can get. So people, whoops, can get a little kit like that that comes with an app that they can shoot.
Speaker 1:Well, look, my suggestion would be everyone needs to go through experiencing every single color and then, when you've done that, your only right in life is to be not negative. That's the only free will privilege we've got is to take things positively or take things negatively. So if we've got the right to choose the positive in something and we can choose one positive in every single color, that already opens up compassion, acceptance, an energetic connection where we're able to know the self. Now, if we give everyone else the same right that my concepts of green or yellow might be different to yours, but it doesn't make you wrong. It makes us have a different point of view. You can see, then, in relationships, if people felt safe in journeying through that energetic pathway together, then they're going to actually learn a little bit more about each other.
Speaker 1:But specifically for sort of tradies on the business site, I was thinking is like if they had the ability to use one of these little permanders for eight minutes before they got home. When you're in the car, you can spray it in your hand. You listen to a little five-minute talk on what those colors mean. You've got something to go home and chat about. How was your day? Oh, interesting, I just learned something about yellow that I feel like. Yellow is really funny for me and really exciting and really expansive, but it's also the color of fear. So some of these risky, funny things I like to do, I can see now how that might make you feel. Oh my god, it's gold for connection and that, holy shit. That's the way I'd be approaching something.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna have to get myself some of them I also.
Speaker 1:There's a four-day courses that people can do and you know, a beautiful gift to give someone to be able to sit there and do this process with a group of people so that you're learning that. Not, there's not just one way. See, the danger of using these little kits by yourself is that you can think you're the only one suffering with a certain thing, or you're the. There's not just one way. See, the danger of using these little kits by yourself is that you can think you're the only one suffering with a certain thing, or you're the only person in the world who can't find any good in this color. You're the only person who feels this weird or completely the opposite about that color. If you've got like people that you can chat to, uh about that, then you're also kind of going yes, I felt the same about blue, but oh no, I was completely the opposite in red.
Speaker 1:Then we're not arguing about a certain thing or agreeing or disagreeing, we're just contextualizing it, you know yeah and if you're at home with your loved ones, you know, just know, that violet starts up here and goes all the way down to the floor being red, and you've got all the rainbow in between. If you're asking your loved one, who's having the rant or having the frustration, where in the body are you actually feeling this? Get them to touch where that is. You've got an idea of what color that's connecting to you. Have a language already to say oh, that's about the need for space. Oh, that's about the need to communicate or be heard. Is it that or that? That's just going to improve your own relationship with someone.
Speaker 1:But I do think it begins with you knowing wow, I've noticed I can't stand olive and it's because of sibling rivalry when I was a kid, but now I've come to understand that. I know it's because of sibling rivalry when I was a kid, but now I've come to understand that. I know it's all part of the process. Like those things are, I find them intriguing. You know, once I start thinking in color, I can't really think in much else.
Speaker 2:Well, I can see. Look, it caught my attention. Like I said that first day we met, we had literally a two minute conversation and you, what you said about the colours of this shirt was basically everything that I was well with this colour. This shirt represents Live Life Build, which my business partner, amelia, and I have created to create a new building industry and help builders change their lives, and I was absolutely just taken back how accurate your description of what I was doing based on this shirt.
Speaker 1:Well, I think it's a beautiful experience that we connected and spirit obviously guided us to that, because I was using a bottle of turquoise and magenta at the time yeah, the breath of love, so that was like. But I think it's a beautiful thing that you can encourage all of your followers to do the work of looking inside in a fearless way and holding the hands with someone I'm not suggesting me, because this is like a do-your-own kind of thing unless they're doing a course but to partner with communities of people. You know it's possible to all get together and discuss a yellow or a blue, or you know I can work on doing something for you so is it like so?
Speaker 2:so every every color means something different to every person?
Speaker 1:um, yeah, look, there's a a vague feeling similarity, like if we looked at the red again. We know across the world there's that uniform red light, right, so everyone knows it's got something to do with stop or go. We know in animals it's called the doctrine of signatures actually. So you know, in animals, a red-bellied black snake and the spider with the red on or eating certain red berries are not okay, but then eating other red roses and strawberries, you know are an indication of love and passion, and so it can be. It's subjective as to what your perceptions about each of those colors have been, but most likely it's going to be about energy resistance, passion or frustration, reclaiming some of the boundaries. If you look at a volcano, a volcano and this is probably very a woman thing, by the way- yeah I shouldn't be categorizing, but anyone.
Speaker 1:Yeah, anyway, the volcano goes off and it's a big explosion. So if you know, if I know, I'm going to be volcanic, I'm like volcano going off, volcanic energy, volcano going off. If anyone's still standing there, we'll stuff them. I've given you a fair warning. Now the volcano comes off, now the lava's flowing, but what happens is the new boundaries are created.
Speaker 1:So because it creates the new land, so we see a signature in nature showing us also that some people have a resistance to red because they may have had their boundaries invaded and they're fighting to gain some of their space back, space being the green, which is the opposite to the red.
Speaker 1:When you kind of know that if someone is acting very red, you can actually just back up and give them a little bit of space. It's not something you want to lean into, unless it's for a hug. It's like backing the truck up and turning into the green language. So, yeah, it's what you can see and perceive in nature, which is why you've got some lovely connected farming people and Indigenous people and even surfers out there, very connected to the rhythms of nature and the rhythms of life and the energies that we feel in those, and it's all being artificially inseminated into our mind. It's probably the wrong word, but you get what I mean. Yeah, we're told what that should be in our head and we need to protect that space in our energy field so that we can choose.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, look, we'll start to wrap it up in a minute, but I'd love to, uh, just get your opinion a little bit. So obviously, colors play a huge role in how we feel each day our energy, our motivation, all those types of things. What's your thoughts on everyone just living in these white plasterboard houses?
Speaker 1:no, well, you Well. You see, I have enough tools in my life that colour the inside of those plasterboard houses, because imagine being in Japan where they're very short on housing and everyone's living in a tiny box. So any energies you can bring in that give a sense of spaciousness being the greens or the olives or any um, like a shinrin yoku essential oil or something that actually creates spaciousness and actually comes from the trees is going to create more of that space in yourself, if you want to be. Some people can't handle the big space either, so they want to be more cozy, and that's when you've got the fire and things like that.
Speaker 2:So but surely living in a like this is. We're going a lot now with our clients. We're trying to go away from plasterboard as much as possible, but surely living in because, let's face it, most people are spending a lot of their life indoors. Yes, surely. Sending your entire life inside a white box, no, is no good for us.
Speaker 1:Well, actually I don't think it is at all. We need grounding, we need fresh air, we need color and I I recall you, uh, working with lots of sustainable products because I I think they're. The problem of the world is not over population, it's over pollution. So the more we can move back into biodegradable, sustainable, natural, the less toxins that we're fighting off. So if you consider being in a white plasterboard room, I'm thinking of cooking smells, farting smells, baby smell, like lots of stuff, and that stuff doesn't go anywhere except into you, not to mention, you know, the toxins in the carpets, the toxins now in our lights. So if it really does, it's not something I would recommend, but if someone is in that situation, then you've got to work with where you're at in improving that. If someone's got the opportunity to build a tiny or a large home in sustainable hemp and bamboo with incredible woods and slate floors, I'm all for that.
Speaker 2:That's definitely but inside of, but in in a like the average home now where people are tight for money like. Can you improve the feeling in a house by the the furnisher, furnishings and and those types of things in there, or should you be trying to add color to the internal walls of your house?
Speaker 1:I think both. I think number one is to detox the environment. That's like absolutely imperative. Doesn't matter what you do in it. If there's something poisoning you so, and if that then also extends into the emotional field that someone's going to go mad, locked in a tiny white box, then yes, we obviously have to change that with the the view of color. But there are many things you can put in the environment. You can whack in a few diffusers with essential oils, but, yes, most people want a blankish space so that they can color it with their furnishings, and the benefit of that is that will change.
Speaker 1:You are not just one color. You're going to be evolving through colors. So you might remember a time that you were drawn to violet, and that might be because someone passed away and you were lost and looking for something and the world was just too hard and it's too loud and noisy. Sorry, you're all right Then you know, but the next month or four months later you might have had this burst of red energy, which is a new awakening. When you're in love, you might be in the turquoise and the green energy. So we want the ability to change.
Speaker 1:But I love these things. If you could have a wall spread that could change in each of the rooms. So I've got some that are green and forest. I've got some that are turquoise style of beautiful islands with the smaller things I like murials and things in there. But yeah, you could put a feature colour in each of the rooms like one wall. I'm sort of a fan of that I'm not sure if I'm on track here so you can create a general ambience like a yellow and orange for a meeple.
Speaker 2:What's a light, grey, mauve-y colour. What's that mean?
Speaker 1:Do you mean like that?
Speaker 2:Similar, a bit more grey.
Speaker 1:A bit more grey. Well, the thing is that within the language of colour, there isn't a grey or a black, but there is, if I'm looking at the mauve, coming to royal blue. That's about hmm, is this you or someone else?
Speaker 2:No, no. So we've recently. Well, we're still renovating our house. We've got a fair bit of colour to our house. We've got one room that's a really nice olive-y green colour, Lovely. We're getting our kitchen done and I really not like it.
Speaker 1:It's pretty out there like we've got different colors everywhere.
Speaker 2:Our daughter's got a violet room in a wall in one room. The other door's got a real light blue aqua color, but our our bedroom my wife chose this really not like I don't know. I'm probably not explaining it right. For me it's like a mauvey grey colour.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I feel our bedroom just feels real calming.
Speaker 1:I was going to say this. Violet colour and variations of that is definitely about relaxation, calm yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like I am, and I don't know it might sound crazy, but ever since we moved back into that room, I reckon I've slept a lot better. Like I just walk into that room and I just I feel like, yep, the day's ending, this is my calm place.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's perfect. Perfect for a bedroom. You know you wouldn't want red, unless it's a really deep, deep, deep burgundy sort of deeper red. But yeah, so in the violets it's all about. It's the end of the day, so red is like the morning colors that's why you're up with the birds. You know, yeah, um, and as you go through the day you're sort of up to sort of the corals and the oranges.
Speaker 1:By about lunchtime you're into the yellows, the full sun yeah and then we're moving up a little bit more social after lunch and a little more of the giggles, because people are sort of ending up carrying on and we're nearly going home. And then the blues are like hang on, we haven't finished yet. Get back into the workplace and put in the good effort before we leave to go home. So that's basically a similar theme, sort of like twilight In my mind. I'm seeing like a midnight sky on a full moon with that twinge of colour around the moon.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's incredible the way you explain it and you're relating it to nature. It's crazy that we don't use colour more. It's unbelievable.
Speaker 1:I think it's a very accessible tool. I mean, there's so many things out there where it's going to take a lot of knowledge, a lot of learning, and I love all the neuro change and all of the recreation of your beliefs, but that takes a lot of effort. Colour is so joyful and it's really hard to slap yourself around with any of them, but you kind of know that it's going to be. You're colouring in your life. If you get to colour in all of the aspects of your life with something that you have joy in, then you're going to have something easy to talk to someone about. If there's a place you can't go, then that's going to take a little bit of work and that's where you might want a consultation with a set of bottles or, you know, might want to take it a bit further. But as a starting starting place, just getting to know what each of the colors mean and starting to feel what it feels like with each of the colors now you can go and read a book from Caroline Meese and you can go, and you know google lots of things. You know even Taubman's, I think, had something on color that wasn't too far wrong. But if you don't have some tool that allows you to stay connected to you whilst you are feeling, thinking, sensing and starting to learn that there is a different place of body, somatic memory, energies that we have as a nostalgic and tender emotion, or a thought pattern that keeps repeating, or a song that keeps repeating about something you know. I'm encouraging people to raise their levels of awareness, to even perceive that there's something different, and you'll see that talking to children about colour is wonderful. They're uninhibited. There's no judgment there, there's no right, there's no wrong. So coming back to just what colour do you love and starting to find what those gifts are and what the really positive things about that colours are, can make you feel a lot better about yourself. You love, and starting to find what those gifts are and what the really positive things about that colors are can make you feel a lot better about yourself, because you're like, ah, I'm not a weirdo, I'm just royal blue, or I am, I'm a coral person.
Speaker 1:Today, you know, you don't have to be then judging yourself like why do I not fit in, why do I not belong, why am I not on the same level as everyone? And I must say, you know, I guess women learn this because we have a cycle and so there are. We've learned to ride those waves and you know it's not something that gentlemen are often familiar with, apart from being on the receiving end, so it's kind of like as you. But but there is a. There are waves of hormones and energy that go on within you as well. So learning to manage your own levels, to manage where you triggered, to know immediately if you have a client that you know you're clashing with already, that you have strategies to actually switch that or call in a friend, you know like it's a long journey of learning.
Speaker 1:I've been in this field for 30 years, so, but I certainly think everyone should start, and it's a very simple place to start, and so is going to yoga, or so is going to a meditation class or a sound bath or something. But it's like taking some responsibility, the ability to respond to things in a different way and being fearless and courageous and challenging your own concepts, because one thing I can tell you at this age is that I believed certain things. I believed I would have sworn black and blue and given my life for, and as I've gathered more data as I've become older, I believe the opposite. So it's like I mean, look our government, take a little dig at that. I believe they were there supporting us at one point. Now I'm like, yeah, definitely feel like we're on our own.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, that's definitely a whole other conversation, but we'll wrap it up. So what's your business called?
Speaker 1:I'm In Delight.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and how can people find you?
Speaker 1:Look at indelightcomau and I wanted to say, if anyone is interested in going through a Know Thyself Challenge this includes the little kit and it'll be usually $5.97. To donate $100 back from anybody who does take up that offer for you to put into some mental health areas that you deal with either being able to offer someone mentoring or being able to offer it to Marcus Mission or being able to offer a scholarship.
Speaker 2:I really appreciate that. Well, look, Shay will reach out to you.
Speaker 1:I'll give him a little link.
Speaker 2:We'll do some links and stuff You're on Instagram. Oh yeah, reach out to you. I'll give him a little link. We'll do some links and stuff You're on Instagram.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, debindelight.
Speaker 2:I'm not from school.
Speaker 1:I'm just very much like reach out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, look, shay will put links and stuff on there, but, look, I think you've touched on some really important stuff today. I love how the color connects with the relationship, so I think more people should be looking into their colors when it comes to their marketing and their signage and all those types of things. So, look, I, for all everyone listening, I really encourage you to reach out um to deb. Um, yeah, I'm definitely going to uh talk to you about doing some more stuff.
Speaker 1:um, but look, yeah, thanks so much for your time really really appreciate it, and taking a chance on something that's so sort of like out of the ballpark, so to speak oh, look, when you know you know, like when you connect with someone and you get a good vibe from it, like you gotta, you gotta run with it.
Speaker 2:That's my opinion, anyway. But, um, look, thanks very much for everyone that's listening. Um, as usual, please like and subscribe. Go to our new website. Check out our merch, grab some, check it out. We want everyone in australia wearing the uh, keep smashing it out t-shirts. Um, and yeah, we'll see you on the next one. Are you ready to build smarter, live better and enjoy life? Then head over to live like buildcom, forward, slash, elevate to get started. Everything discussed during the level up podcast with me, duane pierce, is based solely on my own personal experiences and those experiences of my guests. The information, opinions and recommendations presented in this podcast are for general information only, and any reliance on the information provided in this podcast is done at your own risk. We recommend that you obtain your own professional advice in respect to the topics discussed during this podcast.